Usage: C:\cygwin\home\Administrator\nightly\ingex-cvs-tip-i686msdev\libMXF\msvc_build\examples\writeavidmxf\Debug\writeavidmxf.exe <<options>> <<inputs>> Options: (options marked with * are required) -h, --help display this usage message * --prefix <filename> output filename prefix --clip <name> clip (MaterialPackage) name. --project <name> Avid project name. --tape <name> tape name. --ntsc NTSC. Default is DV file frame rate or PAL --nolegacy don't use the legacy definitions --aspect <ratio> video aspect ratio x:y. Default is DV file aspect ratio or 4:3 --comment <string> add 'Comments' user comment to the MaterialPackage --desc <string> add 'Descript' user comment to the MaterialPackage --tag <name> <string> add <name> user comment to the MaterialPackage. Option can be used multiple times --start-tc <timecode> set the start timecode. Default is 0 frames --mp-uid <umid> set the MaterialPackage UMID. Autogenerated by default --mp-created <timestamp> set the MaterialPackage creation date. Default is now --tp-uid <umid> set the tape SourcePackage UMID. Autogenerated by default --tp-created <timestamp> set the tape SourcePackage creation date. Default is now Inputs: --mjpeg <filename> Avid MJPEG --res <resolution> Resolution '2:1' (default), '3:1', '10:1', '10:1m', '15:1s' or '20:1' --dv <filename> IEC DV 25, DV-based 25 / 50, DV 100 1080i50 / 720p50 (SMPTE 370M) --IMX30 <filename> IMX 30 Mbps MPEG-2 video (D-10, SMPTE 356M) --IMX40 <filename> IMX 40 Mbps MPEG-2 video (D-10, SMPTE 356M) --IMX50 <filename> IMX 50 Mbps MPEG-2 video (D-10, SMPTE 356M) --imx-size <size> IMX fixed frame size in bytes Default is 150000/200000/250000 for IMX30/40/50 PAL Default is 126976/167936/208896 for IMX30/40/50 NTSC --DNxHD720p120 <filename> DNxHD 1280x720p50 120 Mbps --DNxHD720p185 <filename> DNxHD 1280x720p50 185 Mbps --DNxHD1080i120 <filename> DNxHD 1920x1080i50 120 Mbps --DNxHD1080i185 <filename> DNxHD 1920x1080i50 185 Mbps --DNxHD1080p36 <filename> DNxHD 1920x1080p25 36 Mbps --DNxHD1080p120 <filename> DNxHD 1920x1080p25 120 Mbps --DNxHD1080p185 <filename> DNxHD 1920x1080p25 185 Mbps --unc <filename> Uncompressed 8-bit UYVY SD --unc1080i <filename> Uncompressed 8-bit UYVY HD 1920x1080i --pcm <filename> raw 48kHz PCM audio --bps <bits per sample> # bits per sample. Default is 16 --wavpcm <filename> raw 48kHz PCM audio contained in a WAV file NOTES: - <timecode> format is a frame count or d?hh:mm:ss:ff (optional 'd' indicates drop frame) - <umid> format is [0-9a-fA-F]{64}, a sequence of 32 hexadecimal bytes - <timestamp> format is YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss:qm where qm is in units of 1/250th second - The IMX frames must have a fixed size.